Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day & the Fuge Live Tour!

It's been a busy day and it's not over yet! Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Can't let the day go by without mentioning my thankfulness for my dad. I know without a doubt that any positive quality that I may possess has been directly influenced by my dad. He does the right things for the right reasons and I am so thankful for his example.

I'm also grateful for my children. When we finally found out that God was blessing us with our first child, it was just about more than I could believe. It was something we wanted so bad and thought might not happen, but God has provided Debbie and me with two wonderful kids.

I was so proud of them and their mom last week. They all served as leaders in the VBS at our church and provided significant ministry in each of their roles. Tanner left for Jamaica this morning for his first out of the country mission trip and Annie is volunteering to help lead worship for our middle school ministry. It's exciting to see them both taking steps to live out their faith.

Speaking of moving, I'll be hopping on a tour bus in a couple of hours for the Fuge Live Tour. We'll be hitting 5 camps in 5 days and will be live streaming worship and broadcasting interviews and other fun stuff from the road. Get a taste of Fuge Camps from the convenience of your computer and come back to my blog for some behind the scenes footage. Don't forget to check out the Fuge Live Tour!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cars vs. stuff that really matters

This past September my son turned 16 and experienced the rite of passage of acquiring his driver's license. In general, he is a pretty conscientious driver but over the past 6 months (including last week) he has been involved in 2 car accidents. Fortunately, neither he nor anyone else has been injured, but that doesn't mean it hasn't scared his mom & dad!

In fact, it has been a rough week for our family - my wife was sitting in her car at Sonic this week and a driver backed into her door. How would you like to be my insurance agent? No really, I may need a new one! I'll admit that I don't enjoy the expense and inconvenience of car repairs, but these incidents have reminded me again of what is really important - those we care about and those who care about us.

This is why the stats on distracted driving concern me - whether the drivers are teens or adults. In many cases the end results resemble the tragic consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Be sure to talk to those you care about and warn them of the dangers of distracted driving. The following videos address the issue from a teen perspective. (WARNING: The first video is pretty graphic.)